Snuggie Sightings at Watchmen Premiere

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While the world went to the Watchmen premiere’s at 12:01 AM Friday, I was home hitting Twitter Search. There were several poetic tweets out there in the wild, all sent via cell phones, that said basically…”Dude. Just saw a dude in a Snuggie at the theater.” So being the polite person that I am, I started tweeting these Twitter Poets, asking them to get a picture and send it in. (Have I mentioned before how amazing Twitter is?) Thanks to Valloq for forwarding this pic. And I believe the person who took the actual shot is the proud owner of this website (trying to provide proper attribution).

And special note to the dude in the pic: I suppose you don’t mind being on this site, considering that you wore a Snuggie to the Watchmen Premiere. Nothing says ‘Notice Me’ quite like that. If you spot yourself here, please let me know your name so I can give you props as well for sporting the Snuggie in public.

Snuggie Sighting at Watchmen Premiere.

Snuggie Sighting at Watchmen Premiere.

Written by Snuggie

March 7th, 2009 at 5:52 am

One Response to 'Snuggie Sightings at Watchmen Premiere'

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  1. […] slammed with traffic). They also discussed people wearing Snuggies in theaters. Here is a pic of a Snuggie wearer at an opening night midnight screening of the Watchmen movie. Our first Snuggie Sighting in a theater is here. var addthis_pub = ‘snuggiesightings’; var […]

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