Bridget’s Snuggie Buffet Adventure

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We last saw Bridget in the Snuggie Drinking Game. She is one woman who wears her Snuggie pride on her blanket sleeves.

Bridget at the All You Can Eat Buffet. Chow Chow time.

Bridget at the All You Can Eat Buffet. Chow Chow Time!

Unfortunately, something she ate at the Buffet did not agree with her, despite the intergalactic sneeze shield. So off to the doctor did our Bridget go.
Bridget waiting patiently at the Doctor's Office. "I wish I had brought my complimentary booklight. Sigh."
She was finally called back to see the doctor, who always gets a big kick out of her Kate Flannery (of “The Office” fame) impersonations.
When taking your temperature in a Snuggie, subtract 1 degree, due to you are warm and cozy inside.

When taking your temperature in a Snuggie, subtract 1 degree, since you are warm and cozy inside.

Written by Snuggie

January 31st, 2009 at 1:52 am

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  1. […] has a Jones for Ribs.When we last saw Bridget in her Snuggie Buffet Adventure, she wound up in the Doctor’s Office, thanks to a helping of Tabouli that had turned.While […]

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