Archive for the ‘Cougar Town Snuggie’ tag

Snuggies on Cougar Town

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Here’s the formula for keeping your TV show on the air and building an audience – adorn the entire cast with Snuggies. Cougar Town, starring Courtney Cox and other people, got warm and cozy in tonight’s episode. Here’s a screen grab:
Cougars in Snuggies
Here’s a video clip, complete with a very annoying 30 second pre-roll advertisement you must suffer through.

All I can say is that if Conan O’Brien had draped himself in a Snuggie, he’d still have a show. History will show that it was Jimmy Fallon (on his 10th show, mind you) who embraced the blanket with sleeves. Snuggie Karma rules once again.

Thanks, Carol, for alerting me to these Cougar Town Snuggie Sightings.

Written by Snuggie

March 10th, 2010 at 11:39 pm