Archive for the ‘Tammye’ tag

Teachers in Snuggies

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Hello, class. Say hi to Tammye and Holly. They’re two warm and cozy teachers from Battle Ground Academy.

Tammye and Holly show True Snuggie Grit.

Tammye and Holly show True Snuggie Grit.

Holly writes: ‘The day before Spring Break at our school is called “Grit Day.” As in, how much Grit do you have regarding what you wear that day. My co-worker and I wore our snuggies!!!!’

I presume this last day before Spring Break was on a Friday. My Snuggie Sense is tingling. I think Snuggie Friday is going to be the new Casual Friday. If so, we can credit Tammye and Holly, as well as Sharne and her Snuggie Friday Rap – Check it Out.

Written by Snuggie

March 31st, 2009 at 11:33 am