Best Snuggie Pub Crawl Artwork. EVER. via @PHLSnuggieCrawl

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The upcoming Philadelphia Snuggie Pub Crawl organizers show some mad Photoshop skillz, causing me to (as the kids say…) LOL when I saw their improvement on their famous Rockie Balboa statue (how awesome is it that Philly has a statue of Sylvester Stallone – I think some city in Texas should erect a Rambo statue. Dallas. I’m talking to you.)

Follow the Philly Snuggie Pub Crawl on Twitter. Don’t Forget Knoxville.

Written by Snuggie

October 9th, 2009 at 9:30 am

Snuggie Awarded the 2009 Nobel Fleece Prize

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You may have heard the announcement today of President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. On a much larger scale and of more historical significance is that Snuggie has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Fleece Prize for their efforts in freeing millions of people from the evil clutches of the blanket.

Fleece. Out.

Written by Snuggie

October 9th, 2009 at 9:19 am

Upcoming Snuggie Pub Crawls

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Earlier this year, every weekend saw multiple Snuggie Pub Crawls in various cities across the United States (go to my website for the running list of dates and locations).

As the weather warmed, the crawls cooled, with the months of July and September being the only months on record this year without a Snuggie Pub Crawl. Now that we are in October, let the Snuggie Pub Crawls commence in what we’ll call the 2009-10 season.

This second season of crawls will feature all the new Snuggie colors and styles, college snuggies, etc. and perhaps some revelers will bring along their canine’s decked out in their own Snuggie for Dogs. What started with 6 guys in Cincinnati on January 30, 2009 has grown into a cultural phenomenon.

In addition to these dates listed below, there are dozens more in the formative stages. Here are a few that are taking shape right now, with dates set, many with event websites, Twitter identities, and Facebook Event pages.

Knoxville, TN (Oct. 17)

Salt Lake City, Utah (Oct. 23 – Pink Ribbon Snuggie Pub Crawl for Breast Cancer Charities) – Other cities may join together on this date for Breast Cancer Awareness. I will write more on this later as well as the Pink Ribbon Snuggie for Charity.

Harrisburg, PA (Oct 30)
Boston (Nov. 7)

Philadelphia, PA (Nov. 8th)

I’ve also been contact by New Brunswick, NJ, Atlanta, New Orleans, and will be posting more details on those locations and dates as soon as I get them.

Written by Snuggie

October 2nd, 2009 at 2:44 pm

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