Two Girls One Snuggie
This should not be confused with the Double Snuggie (which is when one person wears two Snuggies – you can read my Double Snuggie PSA here). We’ll call this ‘Two Girls, One Snuggie’
Snuggie is for All Ages
Deb sent in this great picture of her parents relaxing in their Snuggies. I love the resurgence of the Complimentary Booklights. His booklight is trained on a AAA brochure while hers is beaming onto the worried looking dog (worried because he doesn’t have a Snuggie of his own, surely).

Deb writes: My 80yo dad recently had major back surgery and found that his new Snuggie is quite comfortable as he recuperates! He loves his so much that I bought one for my 81yo mom, so she could be comfy, too!
Thanks, Deb!
Blanket Coverage
Whether you love or hate the Snuggie, one truth remains – the Blanket with Sleeves has been (and will continue to be) a monster hit. Marketers of all stripes are experiencing a severe case of Snuggie-envy, asking ‘Why? Why is the Snuggie so successful?’
Perhaps twenty years from now, when I’m an old man, wrapped in my Snuggie, some major media outlet (like VH1) will come calling, asking for my perspective as to why the Snuggie became so popular. Until that day comes, we can gain some insights from this article – Blanket Coverage – a study conducted by Nielsen Research and Proctor and Gamble.
The quote that caught my eye was this:
“Sure, the commercial campaign would have continued, but we would have encouraged more events like the pub crawls, celebrity sightings and video parodies to reinforce the magic mix of quirky, cool and functional, the secret to Snuggie’s success.”
An affirming quote like that brings a smile to my face (although I think the non-celebrity sightings are more fun). And speaking of Snuggie Pub Crawls, I’ll just say that this Fall and Winter are going to be crazy as the 2009-10 season begins. Stay tuned.