Archive for the ‘Ewwwwww’ tag
Kristina is exercising, NAY, Snuggie-cising, in her Snuggie. If you’ve ever gone to the gym, geared up on a piece of equipment only to realize you’ve been plastered with Phantom Sweat, you’ll realize the value in wearing a Snuggie. Although we dutifully acknowledge that the back of the Snuggie is open (some dare to call it a backward bathrobe…sacrilege!), it can easily be tucked under so not only are you protected, you are keeping your sweat to yourself. There is a rumor that some gyms are offering a 10% discount for Snuggie-cisers, since they reduce their labor costs. At that rate, the Snuggie will pay for itself within 2-3 months of you not going to the gym (it is approaching February, after all. I’m just saying.).