Archive for the ‘Snuggie Generations’ tag
Snuggie is for All Ages
Deb sent in this great picture of her parents relaxing in their Snuggies. I love the resurgence of the Complimentary Booklights. His booklight is trained on a AAA brochure while hers is beaming onto the worried looking dog (worried because he doesn’t have a Snuggie of his own, surely).

Deb writes: My 80yo dad recently had major back surgery and found that his new Snuggie is quite comfortable as he recuperates! He loves his so much that I bought one for my 81yo mom, so she could be comfy, too!
Thanks, Deb!
Snuggie PSA – Friends Don’t Let Friends Wear Their Snuggie Backwards
Backwards Snuggie Sighting 1
There’s something in the air in Snuggie Nation. We’re starting to receive photos of Snuggie Rookies wearing their Snuggies backwards. This is of great concern because when you wear your Snuggie backwards, it loses all of its special powers and is rendered an impotent, beltless bathrobe.
And was it not just a day ago that we posted the Snuggie Injury video of the young lady going Vertigo-and-Here-We-Go; all because she wore her Snuggie backwards?
The backward Snuggie trend must be stopped. I mean, come on! Even Matt Lauer figured out how to wear the Snuggie properly!
So with that said, I am creating the first ever Snuggie PSA – Friends Don’t Let Friends Wear Their Snuggies Backwards
Backward Snuggie Sighting 2

It may have been your best Valentines Day Ever, Michelle (Snuggie + Diet Sunkist = Good Times), but turn that Snuggie around. You are setting a horrible Snuggie example. There are small children and dogs watching!
Backwards Snuggie Sighting 3