Archive for the ‘Snuggie on TV Show’ tag

Snuggie on Californication

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David Duchovny plays Hank Moody on the Showtime hit ‘Californication’. In a move that is sure to be rating gold, Hank wears a Snuggie.


Written by Snuggie

October 19th, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Snuggie on the Big Bang Theory

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The Snuggie made an appearance on ‘The Big Bang Theory’. Penny gives Leonard a going away present – the Blanket with Sleeves. Sorry that you have to put up with an annoying commercial before getting to what you actually want to see. It is worth it though.

Many thanks to a Facebook friend for this Snuggie Sighting.

Written by Snuggie

May 12th, 2009 at 9:05 pm