Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category
Snuggie Politics @issue4 Style
The Yes on Issue 4 group from Hamilton County, Ohio tweeted to alert me to their use of the Snuggie to get the word out on their cause.
And here’s another tie over Snuggie pic, which seems to be making the rounds recently in Ohio politics.
Snug Life
Brent, actively recruiting for the Fleece Crips.
Snuggie Healing Power
I’ve heard more than a few times that Hospitals should use Snuggies for gowns. Here’s Desi, demonstrating the healing power of a Zebra Snuggie.

Although Desi loves bendable straws as much as anyone, she needed some Snuggie power working on her side.
Within moments, Desi was reverting back to her old self…sticking washrags on her forehead and flashing a winning smile, waiting to see if you’ll say anything brilliant like ‘Hey, Desi. You have a washrag on your head.’
Do we have the solution to the healthcare crisis in this country?