Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category
Snuggies can slip and slide
Although rare, when compared with the blanket, Snuggies can also slip and slide. Here we have Miss Magical capturing this fashion rarity.
We are a Justin Timberlake away from a Superbowl Halftime Show breaking out.
Dennis Kucinich in a Snuggie on Leno
I happened to be by my super-duper 19 inch non-HD TV, watching the Jay Leno show, when what did my eyes behold? It’s Dennis Kucinich and Steve LaTourette wearing Snuggies, complete with their ties over their Snuggies.

Steve LaTourette, R-OH and Dennis Kucinich, D-OH, get all kumbaya in their Snuggies. The first Snuggie Pub Crawl was also in Ohio (Cincinnati, Jan. 30, 2009...this is not a coincidence - these gentlemen know how to cater to their constituents)
This is a new look, which we’ll call Snuggie Professional – and if ever there was any concern for our government, you can now cast those silly fears aside. The Snuggie to the rescue!
How do you spell bi-partisan? S.N.U.G.G.I.E.
PS – Zapruder had a higher quality camera than the one in my Blackberry. But, I got the shot. He’d be proud.
Snuggie Sleepy Time
Not only can the Snuggie lower your heating bills, you can now toss those sleeping pills.
The Snuggie does more for R.E.M. than Michael Stipe.
Many thanks to @MissMagical for this Sleepy Time Snuggie Sighting. Something tells me we haven’t heard the last from this Snuggie enthusiast.