43% of all Snuggie Sightings are Alcohol Related
Here’s a recent submit from Molly, who I can only presume is the cool person on the right, wearing the Snuggie.
The screen on the laptop isn’t too clear, so I’m not sure if they are ordering Zubas online or not. Not that I ever rewrite captions or embellish stories here, but I think either they are:
A. Having a cozy competition, seeing which is warmer – the Snuggie or the heat emanating from that laptop, or…
B. Auditioning for the TV Show ‘Hoarders’ – You know, the show that airs after ‘Intervention’ showcasing the plight of those that can’t throw anything away. I decided not to crop the picture because there’s so much going on here..the box, the pink thing to one side and a few other mysterious objects.
Since I elected not to crop, I had to shrink the picture down – rendering the captions by the arrows very small. For those with suspect eyesight, the one on the left reads ‘Poltergeist for this generation’ while the quote on the right reads ‘43% of all Snuggie Sightings are alcohol related’.
This Snuggie Kool-Aid is Delicious…
…may I have another?

The most common Tweet related to Snuggie is - 'Is it just me, or does the Snuggie look like some kind of Cult Robe?' .... It is just you. This is simply an unfortunate accident with Super Glue. No cult-like behavior here. Move along.
I wonder how well the Snuggie sells in Waco? I think cult leaders would do well to wear the Snuggie – you look harmless in the Snug, which may keep those pesky ATF tanks at bay while you also lower your heating bills.
Snuggie Marathon
I think it would be visually funny for there to be a marathon or perhaps a 5k race, where all participants wear Snuggies. Until the world gets hip enough for that, we’ll have to settle for the random Snuggie Sighting in the crowd, such as this potential Snuggie Sighting

If this is a Snuggie, the wearer is sporting it backwards and they have it cinched up. A Snuggie, when left to its own devices, will hang down on the ground, making it all the better to run a marathon in.
Here’s a note from KC, who submitted this pic:
‘My first public Snuggie Sighting happened today at the Towpath Marathon in Peninsula Ohio. This spectator had it on backwards and all pulled up. Couldn’t believe my eyes. I whipped out my camera as quick as I could to take a pic. She stayed nice in warm in her Snuggie as it was in the 40’s today.’
So – what do you think? Snuggie or Robe?