Snuggie Marketing
If you have a single marketing bone in your body, you really should study everything Snuggie does. Case in point – Snuggie holds a fashion show yesterday. Some would ask why. Word of mouth…that’s why. That Fashion Show has been reported on by numerous news outlets (Time Magazine, Gothamist, etc.), and then spreads across Twitter, Facebook, etc.
As word begins to spread, people start searching online. As more and more people perform a specific search, the term starts popping up and presenting itself to others. So here’s an example, revealing that the Snuggie Fashion Show is one of the top searches on DogPile right now (too bad those dogs on their home page aren’t wearing Dog Snuggies).

This is one dogpile you can step in. Snuggie Fashion is the #2 Favorite Fetch - Mock the Snuggie at you peril, smug marketers.
While we are on the subject of marketing, I would be remiss if I didn’t congratulate Scott Boilen and All Star Marketing on their Direct Response Marketing Alliance Marketer of the Year Award. They’ve gone from 4 million Snuggie sales in January to over 15 million today. Umm…HOLY DANG!
So, as I said, All Star/Snuggie has rewritten the playbook when it comes to marketing in today’s environment. Simply put – NO ONE gets more free advertising than Snuggie. It’s to the point now that all they have to do is launch a new commercial and all the media outlets clamor to cover it and give free airtime. Here’s a clip that exemplifies this phenomenon – wait for Willie Geist to finish on his Kanye West take and he’ll then air a free Snuggie ad on his show about a minute into this clip.
With all this said, I’m prepping a 10 day/10 part series on how you can use Snuggies to market your own business or brand, offering up ideas on how you can get hundreds of thousands of eyeballs. Get ready for fun in fleece.
Satin Snuggie Sighting on Big Brother Finale ???
One thing I love about this country is how we, as a people, utilize Twitter to debate the important issues. Point in case, is that a Satin Snuggie that Julie Chen is rocking on the Big Brother Finale? The Tweets on this were in the hundreds – enough of a volume to force my hand and actually tune in to Big Brother for the potential Snuggie Sighting.

Finally...a reason to watch Big Brother - is that a Snuggie I see? Host Julie Chen hides her baby bump under a Satin Snuggie?
The sleeves certainly are roomy, and Snuggie-like. However, this stylish number is short for a Snuggie. Perhaps it could be a Summer Snuggie…nah. Look at the back.

My Snuggie Forecast? Partly Cloudy with an 80% chance this is not a Snuggie. But check out that hair - I'm thinking that while Julie is not wearing a Snuggie, we may have a Bumpits Sighting on our hands.
No open back means this is likely not a Snuggie. But Julie certainly has Big Happy Hair. I suspect there’s a Bumpit under there somewhere. This really should be on
Now that this debate has been resolved, we can now focus on more shallow issues, such as healthcare, war, and where Jay Leno’s desk went.
Fleece. Out.