Archive for the ‘AU Snuggie’ tag

Team Crikey Takes the Snuggie on an Australian Roadtest

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The Snuggie continues its march toward blanketing the earth…with sleeves, hitting the Southern Hemisphere in the midst of Winter. Here are some of the first Snuggie Sightings to come in from Down Under.

Snuggie at a SevenEleven in Australia.

Leaf Blowing does not Suck in a Snuggie…It Blows!

Australian Snuggie BMX… You can’t do this in a blanket!
(how long until Snuggie BMX is an Olympic Sport?)

Regardless of where you might find yourself on this little marble in the universe which we call Earth, you can proudly wear the Snuggie out and about.

Be sure to check out Team Crikey for more Australian Snuggie Sightings. I hear they are going to be posting updates about further features and fleecy fun with the Snuggie. Someday soon in Australia, our friend the Snuggie is going to be bigger than Crocodile Dundee.

Written by Snuggie

June 14th, 2009 at 1:55 pm