Archive for the ‘Snuggie Jedi’ tag

May the Complimentary Booklight Be With You, Young Padawan

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Michael D. illuminates the path to his little Snuggie Padawan. He reminds his daughter daily that it was Obi-Wan who first wore the Snuggie.

Is this our first Father-Daughter Snuggie Sighting? Everyone all-together… ‘awwwwww’.

Star Wars Snuggie - Michael reminds us all that every day is Take Your Daughter to Snuggie day.

Star Wars Snuggie - Michael reminds us all that every day is Take Your Daughter to Snuggie day.

Written by Snuggie

February 24th, 2009 at 1:46 am

Snuggie Storm Trooper Slays Mime in a Box

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The Snuggie converts Storm Troopers from the Dark Side to The Force. The Mime is played by Paula. The Snuggie Storm Trooper, as usual, goes uncredited.

The Snuggie converts Storm Troopers from the Dark Side to The Force. The Mime is played by Paula. The Snuggie Storm Trooper, as usual, goes uncredited.

FILE THIS UNDER GEORGE LUCAS’ NEXT MOVE: Finish the final Star Wars Trilogy ..
‘Snuggie Wars Episode 7: A New Snuggie’
‘Snuggie Wars Episode 8: Rise of the Complimentary Booklights’
‘Snuggie Wars Episode 9: Whoa! Yoda’s Still Alive! And He’s Wearing a Snuggie’

Written by Snuggie

February 17th, 2009 at 4:11 am

Lightsaber Rendered Impotent by Snuggie

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Eli stands confidently underneath the shadow of a Bafforr Tree (which has obviously been Aqua-Globed).

Eli stands confidently underneath the shadow of a Bafforr Tree (which has obviously been Aqua-Globed).

Notice Eli, the Snuggie Jedi. His Snuggie makes this young Padawan badder than Samuel L. Jackson, who may have had the original Purple Light Saber, but never dreamed of grasping it’s Purple Laser Beam with his own hand. His fingers aren’t sliced off by his Light Saber thanks to the protective powers of the Snuggie, the must-have for the 21st Century Jedi.

Note the Bafforr tree in the background. Eli’s family is obviously an ‘As Seen on TV’ family. Is that an Aqua Globe I see in the base of that plant?

THIS JUST IN: Eli’s mother has confirmed that an Aqua Globe is in indeed in the pot of that plant.

Also, consider this candid Snuggie Jedi shot below…

Snuggie Jedi Slays Restrictive Blanket

Snuggie Jedi Slays Restrictive Blanket

Eli is now off to slay the Three Headed Snuggie Monster.

V is for Snuggie Victory - Charisse and Laura as the 3 Headed Snuggie Monster

V is for Snuggie Victory - Charisse and Laura as the 3 Headed Snuggie Monster

Written by Snuggie

February 8th, 2009 at 1:30 am