Archive for the ‘Snuggie Picture’ tag
This Snuggie Kool-Aid is Delicious…
…may I have another?

The most common Tweet related to Snuggie is - 'Is it just me, or does the Snuggie look like some kind of Cult Robe?' .... It is just you. This is simply an unfortunate accident with Super Glue. No cult-like behavior here. Move along.
I wonder how well the Snuggie sells in Waco? I think cult leaders would do well to wear the Snuggie – you look harmless in the Snug, which may keep those pesky ATF tanks at bay while you also lower your heating bills.
Two Girls One Snuggie
This should not be confused with the Double Snuggie (which is when one person wears two Snuggies – you can read my Double Snuggie PSA here). We’ll call this ‘Two Girls, One Snuggie’
Snuggie Cures Male Pattern Baldness
One of the undocumented features of the Snuggie is that it cures baldness.
Simply stick your head into one of your armholes, and you’ve got the coolest cap…EVER.
Hair is over-rated. Fleece is forever.