Archive for the ‘Snuggie Video’ tag
YouTube Video of the Complimentary Booklight in Action…Score
So, why not uncork that Complimentary Booklight and upload it to YouTube? Here is what it looks like when you launch the booklight into action. It’ll be the most entertaining 7 seconds of your lives. Shield your eyes and hide the pets. You have been warned…
Teacher in a Snuggie
Bold choice for the cameraperson – holding the shot at a 90 degree angle.
Someone refresh my memory. Didn’t this site just show Brook teaching her class in a Snuggie on 2/24/09, and then Mr. Reinheimer rocks the Snuggie the next day. Either there’s something in the air, or Mr. Reinheimer is a fan.
NOTE TO MR. REINHEIMER: Send some pics in your Snuggie to further cement your online Snuggie fame…and please don’t ever wear the Snuggie backwards again. And you must warn the kids against doing the Double Snuggie.
Announcing – All You Need is a Snuggie and a Cell Phone to be Famous
I am excited to announce that is set to premiere soon.
I have my first SnugCaster on board and am taking requests for others. You need to have a Snuggie, a sense of humor, have a desire to be seen by the world, and you have to be able to entertain in a Snuggie (this is not hard because the Snuggie does 90% of the awesomeness for you).
If you would like to become a SnugCaster, go to to learn how you can get started. We will be putting together Technical Helps in getting your cell phone set up to stream live through
The site and infrastructure are being built out to handle the load. We plan to be SnugCasting at the various Snuggie Pub Crawls going down across the country. Stay tuned and stay cozy!