Archive for the ‘Tyra Snuggie Video’ tag

Snuggie on the Tyra Banks Show

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The Snuggie train appears to be picking up steam. Last Friday, the Snuggie made an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. I am now seeing a lot of Tweets and buzz over the Internet about the Snuggie making an appearance on the Tyra Banks show. We’ll see if that happens. I wonder if there will be more Leopard and Zebra Snuggie Sightings?

I’ve got the Tivo set and will be posting clips and pics once/if this happens. And if I had to guess, I would say that Tyra will wear a Designer Snuggie – likely the Leopard Snuggie, but perhaps Zebra.

I even saw tweets about someone’s Snuggie song perhaps being aired on Tyra, so there may be a Snuggie Song getting ready to be launched. We shall see. I’ll keep you posted. And I’m glad to see Tyra trying to shake those off-base accusations that she copies Oprah. 🙂

Written by Snuggie

March 12th, 2009 at 9:10 am