Archive for January, 2009
Virgil in a Snuggie
So we received this from Zach, telling us that this Snuggie Sighting is of Virgil. Zach informs us that Virgil ordered 3 Snuggies over the Holidays. Here is where the photo came from –
Set that complimentary booklight to stun, Virgil!
Snuggie Juice
We have Matt, someone else (send names, Matt), three-quarters of a dog (send the dog’s name too, or post in the Comments) and some groovy wall sconces. Here’s to the Snuggie.
Alex !!!
“I love my Snuggie!!”, sayeth Alex. I believe this is our first self-portrait cell-phone Snuggie Sighting. That’s an impressive shot. Alex had to use a mirror, turn off the flash, and he nailed the shot without looking through the viewfinder…I ask you – Could this man do this in a blanket ?