Virgil is stunned ... stunned I tell you, to be on
So we received this from Zach, telling us that this Snuggie Sighting is of Virgil. Zach informs us that Virgil ordered 3 Snuggies over the Holidays. Here is where the photo came from –
Set that complimentary booklight to stun, Virgil!
I propose a toast to the Snuggie....clink
We have Matt, someone else (send names, Matt), three-quarters of a dog (send the dog’s name too, or post in the Comments) and some groovy wall sconces. Here’s to the Snuggie.
Alex says CHEEEEEZ in his Snuggie
“I love my Snuggie!!”, sayeth Alex. I believe this is our first self-portrait cell-phone Snuggie Sighting. That’s an impressive shot. Alex had to use a mirror, turn off the flash, and he nailed the shot without looking through the viewfinder…I ask you – Could this man do this in a blanket ?