Don’t Bite the Hand That Snuggies You – A Tale of the Tweets

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I joined Twitter early in the life of this site, which sprang forth from the loins of the Internet on January 10, 2009. Via Twitter, I was able to secure the Tony Kornheiser PTL Snuggie Sighting pic here’s the historic Tweet.

I’ve been able to connect to some very cool people through Twitter, such as:
TrailerParkNews – empty your bladder before reading any of their stuff.
1millionsnuggie – check out their upcoming Snuggie Event.
A former Little League Teammate of Mr. Snuggie Sightings (He has no idea I’m doing this – follow him and tell him he was a great second baseman)
Sean Percival – He’s a Must Follow – here’s Sean’s website He’s the Director of Content at Tsavo and Editor at lalawag.

Ok. I’m putting it out there. Sean has MAD skills when it comes to Social and Viral Marketing. I’ve been studying his game, following his Tweets, etc. from afar. So, when Sean joined on day 2 or 3 of the Social Network with Sleeves’ existence, I knew I was onto something. For a Social Network to succeed, it needs either the right content, or the right people. Sean brought both to SnuggieBook. He posted pics from his lalawag Snuggie Off – Go there to place your vote. Snug the Vote!

When I saw Sean’s Tweet the other day about sending a Snuggie to Jason Calacanis, I started tracing back in the Twit-Stream until I found this – Jason Calacanis cracks on Sean for wearing a Snuggie.

Apparently Mr. Calacanis saw the Snuggie-Off and was wishing Sean well at SXSW. Sean in return sent Jason a Snuggie as a gift. This ended up being posted upon the Snuggie’s arrival:

If you click that pic, you can see Jason’s post regarding the ‘most amazing gift ever…from an old friend’. I noticed two things on this post:

1. Jason now spelled Snuggie correctly.
2. He didn’t link to, or mention Sean as the source of the Snuggie gift. Where’s the link? I’m THIS close to filing this under Attribution Fail.

All I can say is Don’t Bite the Hand that Snuggies You.

…and now you know…the rest of the Snuggie Story.

File this under my second attempt at a Snuggie Pulitzer. Here was my first – Snuggie Scam.

Written by Snuggie

March 24th, 2009 at 11:55 am

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