Snug Life

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Nothing up my sleeve...but get too close and I'll tatoo your forehead with this Snuggie logo!

Nothing up my sleeve...but get too close and I'll tatoo your forehead with this Snuggie logo!

Brent, actively recruiting for the Fleece Crips.

Written by Snuggie

October 22nd, 2009 at 12:09 am

Snuggie Healing Power

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I’ve heard more than a few times that Hospitals should use Snuggies for gowns. Here’s Desi, demonstrating the healing power of a Zebra Snuggie.

Although Desi loves bendable straws as much as anyone, she needed some Snuggie power working on her side.

Although Desi loves bendable straws as much as anyone, she needed some Snuggie power working on her side.

Within moments, Desi was reverting back to her old self…sticking washrags on her forehead and flashing a winning smile, waiting to see if you’ll say anything brilliant like ‘Hey, Desi. You have a washrag on your head.’
Hey, Desi. You have a washrag on your head.

Hey, Desi. You have a washrag on your head.

Do we have the solution to the healthcare crisis in this country?
Good. As. New. Where's my Complimentary Booklight?

Good. As. New. Where's my Complimentary Booklight?

Written by Snuggie

October 21st, 2009 at 2:12 am

Great Moments in Home Organization – Snuggie Edition

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David celebrates his bookshelf conforming to the Dewey Decimal System in Snuggie Style.

You would raise the roof in your Snuggie too if your books were that organized!

You would raise the roof in your Snuggie too if your books were that organized!

Something about this picture reminds me of the Village People classic ‘Y.M.C.A.’ – I can’t put my finger on it….It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A…..

P.S. I haven’t seen that much ivy on a wall since the Cubs season ended.

Written by Snuggie

October 21st, 2009 at 1:50 am