Wearing a Snuggie to Work – Yes or No

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Here in the United States at least, we have this thing called Summer going on. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. It is that time of year when it gets quite toasty – like wearing a Snuggie any time you walk outdoors. But most of us working stiffs spend 8+ hours inside an office, which usually blasts air conditioning (to keep the worker drones awake). So the question arises – is it ok to wear a Snuggie to work?

What are you waiting for? I’m here to tell all of you who wonder if it is ok to get Snug in your cube (I’ve seen the tweets) that it is beyond ok – it is a wise career move. And if you or a co-worker wears a Snuggie in the office, please send pics (or it didn’t happen).

Written by Snuggie

July 16th, 2009 at 7:57 am

Snuggie and Crocs – Fashion Nirvana

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Here’s a pic from Gennie. I could not help but notice two things:
1. Crocs – Almost as awesome as the Snuggie. Wearing the two together – EPIC.
2. Tulsa People – I am familiar with this magazine since I was spawned near Tulsa (although I now reside in the Nashville area). Tulsa People is like People Magazine, except with More Cowbell.

Snuggie and Crocs ... a match made in Fashion Heaven.

Snuggie and Crocs ... a match made in Fashion Heaven.

Written by Snuggie

July 15th, 2009 at 12:38 pm

Take a Walk on the Snuggie Wild Side

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Aly was entirely unprepared for just how wild the Snuggie Wild Side can get. Guitars levitate. Hair clips turn neon green. You have been warned.

Aly was entirely unprepared for just how wild the Snuggie Wild Side can get. Guitars levitate. Hair clips turn neon green. You have been warned.

Aly is rocking the Leopard Snuggie (note – there is no Cheetah Snuggie – You are looking for this Leopard).
Can you handle the Snuggie Wild Side ???

Can you handle the Snuggie Wild Side ???

Written by Snuggie

July 14th, 2009 at 12:59 pm