Archive for the ‘Australian Snuggie Commercial’ tag in the New Australian Snuggie Commercial

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Update 7.24.09 – Here is the new Snuggie commercial airing across Australia right now. Watch for to display alongside other media appearances for the Snuggie, roughly 18 seconds into the clip.

Original Post from 7.21.09 below —
I have seen footage of the latest Snuggie commercial that is airing in Australia and am awaiting a higher quality version to post online. During the intro of the commercial, this website’s domain name makes an appearance.

This is the same commercial announcing the $10 price reduction on Snuggies in Australia. I will update this post once I have the video file and approval to post it online.

One additional note – the end of the commercial voiceover states “Warming Australia, one Snuggie at a Time” – that closely resembles the tag line of this website, “Making the World a Warmer Placeā€¦One Snuggie at a Time” – Consider Mr. Snuggie Sightings honored. (Of course, I’m considering updating this site’s tagline to “Blanketing the Earth…With Sleeves”)

Written by Snuggie

July 24th, 2009 at 1:02 am