Archive for the ‘Picture of Man in Snuggie’ tag

Snuggie Self Portrait – Clicky Clicky

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If you focus on the framed picture in the background and really zone out, you will see a Snuggie.

If you focus on the framed picture in the background and really zone out, you will see a Snuggie.

We haven’t had a great Snuggie Self Portrait since Alex!!!. Where Alex snapped his pic with his cell phone aimed at his reflection in his bathroom mirror (while wearing a stocking cap in addition to his Snuggie…think about that for a moment)…I digress. But today, we have Paul.

Paul is an inspiration to Snuggie photographers everywhere. Notice the clicky clicky in his hand. He framed this photo, and likely broke out the tripod to get this snap. Such devotion to Snuggie Sightings. We appreciate the hard work. Not only is he using a tripod, he also has his girlfriend on the very left, and his girlfriend’s 2 daughters (the ones with the really, really, really big smiles – they obviously love their Snuggies) in the middle. Paul mentioned that the daughters drove 3 hours to be there for the Snuggie Photo Shoot. I’m glad the girls made it with their Snuggies. Imagine the tragedy if they had gotten there only to realize they left their Snuggies at home.

Written by Snuggie

February 14th, 2009 at 11:31 pm

Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome – An Update

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You cannot contain the Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome, you can only hope to contain it. The Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome has been noted previously here, here, and here.

There is hope for a cure...Super Glue is it's name.

There is hope for a cure...Super Glue is it's name.

Pictured above is Michael as he is released from the hospital. He suffered from Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome – the inexplicable urge to raise your hands when wearing a Snuggie. His syndrome has gone into remission, thanks to a steady diet of Star Trek Voyager episodes and stuffed animals. Of course, if you really want to keep your hands down, you could lay underneath those notoriously restrictive blankets.

Written by Snuggie

February 12th, 2009 at 1:58 am