Archive for the ‘Snuggie Art’ tag

More Peeps in Snuggies

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Here are a couple of Peeps Snuggie Sightings that I was alerted to by a Twitter buddy.

Snuggie Peeps 1

Snuggie Peeps 2

Written by Snuggie

April 13th, 2009 at 9:55 pm

Snuggie Sighting in the Washington Post Peep Contest

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The 3rd Annual Washington Post Peep contest – aka Peeps Show III – narrowed their original list of 1,100 gooey submissions to a final 40. You can go here to view the 40 Finalists.

A Snuggie Book member alerted me to entry #39.

The Entry that Should Have Won. Peeps Snuggie Sighting while watching As Seen on Peep TV.

The Entry that Should Have Won. Peeps Snuggie Sighting while watching As Seen on Peep TV.

‘As Seen on Peep TV’ by Sarah Kohari and Erin Mastrangelo of Washington. “It started with a Snuggie obsession, really,” writes Kohari. “The idea was to somehow get a peep into a Snuggie in a realistic way, such as lying on his couch reading a book like the happy folks in the infomercial.” Hint: There are 16 as-seen-on-TV products in the diorama, including a ThighMaster and a Cash 4 Gold kit.’

Entry #1 on the slideshow was the eventual winner. There are no Snuggies in that entry, however, so I think an investigation is in order. Perhaps next year there will be Designer Snuggie Peeps and they’ll take home the prize for Snuggie Nation.

Written by Snuggie

April 13th, 2009 at 9:44 pm

Snuggie Bling

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Emily and her brother, Jordan, donned their Snuggies at the local watering hole.

Jordan and Emily strike a Snuggie Pose - Emily's bling ring blinds the cameraman while the stunned wall art looks on.

Jordan and Emily strike a Snuggie Pose - Emily's bling ring blinds the cameraman while the stunned wall art looks on.

…and is it just me, or does Jordan look a lot like Andy Samberg of SNL fame???

Written by Snuggie

March 9th, 2009 at 1:38 am