Archive for the ‘Snuggie as Gift’ tag

Snuggie Karma

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Background (You’ll Need to Read This to Fully Appreciate the Timing of this event in Snuggie History): Don’t Bite the Hand That Snuggies You – A Tale of the Tweets

Hours ago I posted the above linked story, highlighting how Sean Percival had gifted a Snuggie to Jason Calacanis…

Jason did thank his old friend for the ultimate gift, but he failed to mention that that old friend was Sean Percival, nor did he link to him (which is the modern-day Blogger equivalent of a Thank You note).

So Snuggie Karma has come down and blessed Sean with a box of a Dozen Designer Snuggies. Here’s his Tweet announcing the warm and cozy event.

Camel Designer Snuggie, Pink Plush Snuggie, Leopard Designer Snuggie.

Let’s Reflect. Sean gives a Snuggie. He receives a Dozen in return….

Agreed, Sean. #life-is-good

Written by Snuggie

March 24th, 2009 at 5:00 pm