Archive for the ‘Snuggie Star Wars’ tag
Bow High School Faculty Get Warm and Cozy
Here’s a variety show by the Bow High School Faculty Veriety Show. Mongo Snuggie Sightings in multiple colors, locations, and languages. There’s even a TeleTubbies Snuggie Sighting about 2 minutes in. These guys have obviously had fun with their Snuggies, their Green Screen, and their Groovy Video editing software.
Why were my teachers never this cool?
Here’s an earlier video which goes into the origins of what this was all about. This sets up the cental question ‘What would happen if the Bow High School faculty adopted the Snuggie as a uniform?’ I can tell you what would happen…sheer fleecy awesomeness would ensue (and ZERO kids would drop out…I’m just sayin’). So bear with this first video – the first minute or so starts a tad slow, but it gets pretty awesome within 2 minutes
Nice work, Bow High School. May I SNUGgest that you change your school mascot to the Snuggie?
Snuggie Inspirations – Suitable for Framing
I JUST got these. I liked these two particular Snuggie Sightings so much, I dropped what I was doing to get them up here. Great work, Diana. Enjoy Snuggie Inspirations. These will look marvy with my ultra-modern black background 🙂
Snuggie Storm Trooper Slays Mime in a Box

The Snuggie converts Storm Troopers from the Dark Side to The Force. The Mime is played by Paula. The Snuggie Storm Trooper, as usual, goes uncredited.
FILE THIS UNDER GEORGE LUCAS’ NEXT MOVE: Finish the final Star Wars Trilogy ..
‘Snuggie Wars Episode 7: A New Snuggie’
‘Snuggie Wars Episode 8: Rise of the Complimentary Booklights’
‘Snuggie Wars Episode 9: Whoa! Yoda’s Still Alive! And He’s Wearing a Snuggie’