Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category
Andy and His Dandy Booklight
The Snuggie Complimentary Booklight must be handled with care. Not only can you read a book by it, you can also use it to land aircraft, play shadow puppets on the moon, or shave a ham with its laser beam.
Snuggie as Super Hero Duds
Pictured here is Lacey, in her Snuggie, set to pounce. I have reason to believe that Lacey, while she appears harmless, warm and cozy, is actually Cat Woman.
Consider the Cat Woman evidence: The Scoop Away kitty litter and the scratching post in the background of this picture. Lacey’s pose is very cat-like. And Cat Woman and Lacey have never been pictured together. Having a fish tank is just asking for trouble. I am left to conclude that Cat Woman has opted to get rid of the leather costume in favor of something cooler and hip – our friend, the Blanket with Sleeves.
Way to rock the Snuggie, Lacie. You’re the cat’s meow.
Candid Snuggie Sighting in the Waiting Room (via @babymakes7 – TwitPic)
@babymakes7 Twitpic’ed this Snuggie Sighting Candid from the waiting room recently.

Coolest lady you'll ever meet - staying warm and cozy in the waiting room. One has to wonder where her complimentary booklight is.
There is something oddly compelling about candid Snuggie Sightings. Don’t you agree?