Snuggies at the Hollywood Bowl
Here is @RealtorTed, accompanied by his warm and cozy wife, Cathy. They are wearing their Snuggies for opening night at the Hollywood Bowl last Friday. And Ted has gone the extra mile by implanting an American Flag into his cranium…or perhaps that flag is just in the background. Either way, if you need a Realtor in Simi Valley area, you really should go with Realtor Ted.
Realtor Ted tells me (Tweets me, actually) that he is working on other Snuggie Sightings locations. As they say in Real Estate – Location. Location. Location. The same holds true for Snuggie Sightings. Great work, you two!
Snuggie Meets Into the Wild
Here’s a … different type of Snuggie parody. I suppose if Christopher McCandless, the extreme survivalist who was the subject of the 2007 film ‘Into the Wild‘, had a Snuggie, he may have survived…or at least his rotting corpse would have been wrapped in a blanket with sleeves when it was discovered in that bus…but I digress. Much of this clip will make absolutely no sense if you are not familiar with the ‘Into the Wild’ story, but there are Snuggie Sightings nonetheless.
Snug My Life
Once you go Snuggie, your life improves. This is known in Fleeced Circles as “Snug My Life”…or as the cool kids say “SML”. Here’s a video example, aptly titled “Everything’s Better With Snuggie”
Snug My Life, indeed.