Archive for the ‘Dog’ tag

Going to the Dogs

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There is something in the air. I am starting to get more and more pictures of Dogs in Snuggies. Here are 2 recent shots. The first is from Melissa.

Next time, use the Blue Eye Reduction on Your Camera :) Dozer and Daisy

Next time, use the Blue Eye Reduction on Your Camera 🙂 - Dozer and Daisy.

And now, from Kim, we have Max relaxing in his Red Snuggie.
I am warm and cozy. The Snuggie keeps my paws free. Where is my PediPaw?

I am warm and cozy. The Snuggie keeps my paws free. Where is my PediPaw?

Written by Snuggie

March 7th, 2009 at 5:41 am