Archive for the ‘Snuggie Fun’ tag

Snug My Life (SML)

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Andrea’s life was going so well, she kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Once she got her Snuggie, she figured that her life could not get any better and it would be all downhill from here. Well…the other shoe did finally drop, and nothing happened. The other shoe even missed her groovy glass candle platform thingy pictured below. Andrea’s life is still going swimmingly, and getting better one Snuggie session at a time…Snug My Life!

Fear not the 'other shoe'. Let that Converse drop...Snug My Life.

Fear not the 'other shoe'. Let that Converse drop...Snug My Life.

Written by Snuggie

May 4th, 2009 at 4:03 pm

Old School Party in a Snuggie

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A Green Snuggie, guitar, and bass. Fun with sleeves on a Friday Night.

Written by Snuggie

May 1st, 2009 at 8:51 pm

Snuggie as Levitation Cloak – How to Freak out Friends –

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Misty loved her blue Snuggie so much, she painted her walls blue to match. There’s nothing funner than pulling a Snuggie Camouflage trick on friends and family.

Snuggie Camo Fun...'Look everybody. The remote control is floating in mid-air!' Don't settle for being at a the party. Go Snuggie.

Snuggie Camo Fun...'Look everybody. The remote control is floating in mid-air!' Don't settle for being at a the party. Go Snuggie.

Misty also likes to stand in front of her blue walls while wearing the Snuggie and do the Levitating Head trick. Hours of fun!

I can’t wait to see what Misty’s walls look like if she ever gets a Leopard or Zebra Snuggie.

Written by Snuggie

April 24th, 2009 at 2:18 pm