Archive for the ‘Snuggie Exercise’ tag

Snuggie Math: The Snuggie > Steroids

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HEADLINE TRANSLATION FOR THE UNINITIATED: ‘The Snuggie is Greater than Steroids’ … (you’re welcome)

When Monica read about getting 10% off for Snuggie Wearers @ the gym (because the Snuggie reduces Phantom Sweat off of exercise equipment, which leads to reduced labor cost…of course), she was all in.

Monica lifting the maximum in her Snuggie. If she were wearing a blanket, the back of it would rip in two, from the magnitude of her Snuggie lifting power.

Monica lifting the maximum in her Snuggie. If she were wearing a blanket, the back of it would rip in two, from the magnitude of her Snuggie lifting power.

By day, Monica is a mild-mannered college student. But at night, when she dons the Security Blanket of the 21st Century, the Snuggie, her strength goes through the roof. It has been documented somewhere, by a realiable anonymous source, that the Snuggie is more effective than Steroids in hitting long homeruns. Seven major league teams have already changed their home uniforms to Snuggie versions. Take that, Slanket!

And of course, there are other benefits to wearing a Snuggie. When one wears the Snuggie, the rules do not apply to you. Exhibit A:

Monica can litter in her Snuggie.

Monica can litter in her Snuggie.

You can get away with littering in a Snuggie. Everyone is so distracted by the sheer awesomeness of the Snuggie, that you can pretty much do what you want. Speaking of doing what you want, Monica wants to do the Heisman. Do the Heisman, Monica!
To all the Snuggie-Haters, talk to my Snuggie Heisman Hand

To all the Snuggie-Haters, talk to my Snuggie Heisman Hand

The Snuggie gives you supernatural balance, as pictured above. And did we mention that it also gives you a free pass when it comes to littering?
Tada. I'm afflicted with the Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome and I'm a Happy Little Litter Bug.

Tada. I'm afflicted with the Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome and I'm a Happy Little Litter Bug.

Written by Snuggie

February 16th, 2009 at 3:59 am

After the Snuggie-Cise

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We previously shared an undocumented feature of the Snuggie – The Snuggie protects you from Phantom Sweat on Gym Equipment, starring Kristina the Snuggie-ciser.

She’s also the one who is relaxing on the beach in her Snuggie.
Kristina is glad to report that her fan mail has been incessant, and she’s truly been a fan favorite.
The Snuggie Automatically Pays All My Bills, Too!

The Snuggie Automatically Pays All My Bills, Too!

Be absolutely certain you check out this Rising Snuggie Star’s Blog.
Thanks, Kristina for letting us post your Snuggie pics!

Written by Snuggie

February 6th, 2009 at 1:30 am

Snuggie Y.M.C.A ?? Snuggie Aerobics ??

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We aren’t sure if Michael is performing the Village People classic “Y.M.C.A.” in his Snuggie, or simply getting a little exercise in the blanket with sleeves. Regardless, much thanks to Michael for letting us add him to Snuggie Sightings.

Snuggie Aerobics

Snuggie Aerobics

Written by Snuggie

January 25th, 2009 at 1:00 am