Archive for the ‘Snuggie in Movie’ tag

Snuggie Watchmen Sightings

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Snuggie Watchmen Sighting - Source: Gizmodo - 104 Ways to Hilariously Ruin the Watchmen Movie

Snuggie Watchmen Sighting - Source: Gizmodo - 104 Ways to Hilariously Ruin the Watchmen Movie

There are many mentions on Twitter Search about people wearing Snuggies to the Watchmen Midnight Screenings. I’ve been tweeting replies, hoping that someone will get a real Snuggie Watchmen Sighting for the Midnight premiere. I also ran across this photo from Gizmodo (that is one of the coolest rhymes I’m likely to run across this month). Check out Gizmodo’s 104 Ways to Hilariously Ruin the Watchmen Movie. The Photo above garnered 4th place in their contest. So go there and check out 103 more!

Written by Snuggie

March 6th, 2009 at 1:51 am