Archive for the ‘Snuggie Envy’ tag

Snuggie Envy Afflicts Inanimate Objects

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Just when you thought the Snuggie Mania was beginning to subside, this happens:

Alicia inadvertently turns the furniture green as a full-on Snuggie-Envy blast permeates the room.

Alicia inadvertently turns the furniture green as a full-on Snuggie-Envy blast permeates the room.

There is no cure for Snuggie Envy. All you can do to preserve your furniture is to open the windows. Your friends, however, are without cure or hope. They will eventually all be sucked into the Vortex of Ultra-Cool, which is the Snuggie.

Note: ‘Proximal’ means nearby, or close. You’re welcome.

Written by Snuggie

February 23rd, 2009 at 5:15 am

Snuggie at the Movies

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Snuggie Sightings star Kristina wears her Snuggie to the movies.

Kristina watching the box office smash 'He's Just Not that Into Snuggie'.

Kristina watching the box office smash 'He's Just Not that Into Snuggie'.

Written by Snuggie

February 10th, 2009 at 1:51 am